Happy New Year 2013 from the Raised Vibration team. Today, we’d like to challenge you to NOT make a New Year’s resolution, but instead make a New Year’s Evolution. What’s the difference? We’re betting you already know the answer…
Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work
It’s not new news that resolutions rarely last long. You start working out in the gym or attack that new diet fad with good intentions. But, after a few weeks (or a few days), the passion dwindles.
Or, you decide you’re going to finally learn that new Internet skill that will help you promote your business, but a few hours into the learning process, you convince yourself that you’re not technical enough of a person.
Or, you come home from your first day back at work after a few days off for the holidays and say to your spouse, “That’s it! I’m tired of my boss treating me like dirt! I’m going to find a new job!” But, then, February rolls around, then March, then April. Not only do you not have a new job but you haven’t even started updating your resume because you were just too scared to start.
Resolutions allow outside interference to falsely justify why we can let those goals slide.
“The fiscal cliff will mean less money in my pocket so I’d better hold off from investing in myself.” Or, “I just don’t have enough time to exercise in the day now that my kids are involved in so many school activities and sports.”
Evolutions are Life-Changing
Evolutions are life-changing. Evolutions are permanent. Evolutions produce real reasults. Once a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly, does the butterfly return to being a caterpillar? No. The life-change is permanent.
Today, on this first day of what will prove to be a truly amazing 2013 for our RV Challenge participants, we’d like to offer 3 simple steps to start your evolution into a life full of abundance that most people have simply given up on.
3 Steps to Starting Your New Year’s Evolution
1. Decide how important it really is for something different to happen in your life. If you are “happy enough” where you are, you will simply not have enough interest in dreaming of doing greater things. You surely will not have the motivation or stamina to hurdle obstacles to attain those lofty goals. And, you would most easily quit on those dreams the minute one of your friends or relatives called you crazy for trying.
What is it that really needs to change in your life? Do you want more money? Vacation time? A new car? A bigger house? A better relationship with your spouse? Improved health?
The list goes on and on. Choose now, right now, to make a list of those things that need to be improved over the coming year for you to be more content with your life.
2. Choose TODAY as your pivotal moment; that one day that changed everything in your life. Every one has at least one pivotal moment in a lifetime. For some, that day might be a lethal heart attack or stroke where you don’t get the chance to improve your health.
You hear stories all the time of people who have a sudden climactic change in health and, if they do survive, it’s THEN that they say, “Oh, now I wish I quit smoking 20 years ago.” Or, “Why didn’t anyone stop me from drinking a gallon of whiskey every week?”
No one can make that decision for you to kick-off your New Year’s Evolution by making today your pivotal moment. You must choose that it’s important enough for you to change and change right now.
3. Evolve your thinking to daily practice. 11-year-old singing sensation, Jackie Evancho, was discovered on America’s Got Talent. And, for sure, she has a true gift of voice. But, she has another innate talent that not many talk about–the gift of practice.
When her family was interviewed in the early days of her discovery, I remember Jackie’s brother commenting how “Jackie wouldn’t shut up!” She was singing ALL the time, every day, for 16 hours a day. She sang wherever she went, when she was playing, when she was eating breakfast, constantly.
Her practice is much more structured now, with all of her coaching she’s getting, but still her practice is daily. She doesn’t really need to practice that much. Singing could’ve been a just a casual enjoyment for her.
But, Jackie is in the big league now. Even at 11 years old, she has a new Christmas album out and appears regularly on television programs and in concert. Jackie is at the top of her game in a very big pond.
Is Your New Year’s Evolution Important Enough?
What about you? Is your need to have a life change important enough that you’re willing to work on that change every single day? Raised Vibration has produced a suite of web-based tools to help you through that daily process. But, even with those tools, YOU and only YOU can make the true decision to practice every day toward achieving your true New Year’s Evolution.
Join us in the 2013 RV Challenge. Make today your pivotal moment day where you chose to say no to a New Year’s resolution and say a big YES to starting your New Year’s EVolution.
How to Join the V.I.B.E. Club 2013 Challenge!
There are two ways to get started on the track to true life change using the Raised Vibration system. First, try the free trial where you will have immediate access to just one important component of our system that we call the VIBE Board generator. There you will be able to create your own vision boards, MEME’s or graphics using our unique web-based tool. Share your images with facebook or save them off to your computer. Register now for free >>
Or, if you’re ready to jump in and get started using the whole Raised Vibration system, you’ll have access to all of our web-based tools, access to our community and support, AND be grandfathered in to our low monthly price as this system is still in BETA. Get Full Member Access Now >>