wealth consciousness

Developing Wealth Consciousness

Developing Wealth Consciousness is about more than just money. If you are here on this site the chances are you know a little about The Law Of Attraction, however have you ever asked yourself this question ‘Do I really believe, beyond doubt, that I create my own circumstances?’

Most people feel a little uncomfortable when they ask themselves that question, because by default it requires that if you answer ‘Yes’ then you have to take FULL responsibility for your life. And as hard as that may be, there is also GREAT power in it as you move forward, knowing you are a being with the ability to create as you wish.

One of my great teachers David Neagle  speaks often about The Law of Polarity. In a nutshell he teaches that everything is created as a whole, it has a top, a bottom, sides and so on. If one side of something exists, then by law the other side of it must exist also. You cannot have the front of the book without the back. You may not be able to SEE the back but you know it is there. So, if you apply that to any circumstance in your life, including wealth, and you are experiencing lack, by law the opposite of that must exist. Abundance must exist. And more than that YOU experiencing abundance is a circumstance that must exist, you just need to shift your awareness so that you can SEE that circumstance.

Just realizing this can open doors.

Developing Your Own Wealth Consciousness

So how is your own wealth consciousness? Do you experience an abundance of wealth inflow into your life? Or perhaps you are experiencing lack right now or even an abundance of debt (Eeek!) and you desire to change this.  I have found that this transformational work happens best with small shifts in perspective. That isn’t to say you can’t have a quantum leap in this area – you totally can. However the first step is just to begin to change your awareness. To increase your ‘consciousness’ of abundance.

Start by asking yourself the following questions. They are magical questions that get your mind focused where it needs to be in order to begin creating wealth in your life:

Who could you be WITH plenty of money?

What would it feel like if you never had to worry about money again?

What would you do?

Who and what suffers in your world if you don’t have the money to fulfill your dreams? What about the wider impact you would have made?

A simple shift to help:

It’s about loving yourself. So if you find it hard to imagine having the money, or you just can’t feel the positive emotion around that easily, then instead think of wealth consciousness as developing the value in yourself. As another way to love yourself more.

You also need to check in and see what negative beliefs you may be holding, on a subconscious level, about money and wealthy people. These are likely to be beliefs you inherited from your Parents, Grandparents and the people around you growing up. You will need to release any negative beliefs around money to open the way for it to come to you.

5% of people in the USA earn over $100,000 – will you be one of them? And what amazing things will you do in the world when you are?

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