Finally a Suite of Web-Based Tools
for Life Purpose Coaches and Their Coaching Clients
to Achieve Amazing Results Together
If you are a personal coach, life coach or business mentor, you know the routine. You have to assemble your coaching client materials from scratch including . . .
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Pre-work |
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Questionnaires |
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Homework assignments |
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Checklists to follow |
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Referral resources |
Then you have to send your clients all over the Internet to . . .
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Take one assessment or another |
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Find a journaling system that’s easy to use |
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Locate something other than magazines and scissors to make a vision board with |
Too often, you have to just HOPE your clients do the work because you might never see their output.
No Wonder So Many Coaching Programs Produce Inconsistent Results
You urge clients to dream big, articulate their visions, battle through their limiting thoughts and beliefs, and set goals. Then you work with them to take conscious, intentional steps to get them where they want to go. But the best tools to support their efforts are only Excel-like spreadsheets, Word docs, and even sticky notes!
The result is disorganization, procrastination, dissatisfaction, demotivation and, sometimes, withdrawal from your coaching program altogether.
What If All the Questionnaires, Checklists, Vision Boards and Goal-Setting Tools You and Your Coaching Clients Would Ever Need Were All in One Place?
In more than 40 combined professional coaching years by our own Raised Vibration team, we were all in the same situation as you when it came to coaching our own clients. Not enough online tools. Not nearly enough accountability.
In our desperate search for a solution, we were simply amazed to find that no one had created a full suite of tools that combined coaching, living with intention and true life purpose, law of attraction, goal-setting, and reports-archiving—certainly not anywhere near the level that you and your clients deserve.
The V.I.B.E. System Offers Big Picture Dreaming, Goal-Setting and Project-Planning Tools to Make Your Coaching Job Easy!
Vision boarding, assessments, journaling, personal energy tracking, guided meditations, affirmations (we call them Want Statements): it’s all there!
Our ingenious development team created this unique web-based software that reverse engineers even the wildest dreams or biggest goals. Your clients are prompted to document their wishes, wants, and long-range desires. Then, you and your clients can use the calendar tools to assign benchmarks and actions to attain those objectives.
View Content Entered by Your Coaching Clients—You’ll Show Up to Each Coaching Session Up-to-Date and Ready to Work Some Magic!
You as the “Super Coach” will have a dashboard inside your account so that you can access the most important details for each of your coaching clients. The Super Coach dashboard allows you to click on the name of whichever coaching client is linked to your group so that you can see the content added to the V.I.B.E. system by your coaching clients.
This screen shows how you as the coach can see important basic information and history about any specific coaching client including name, email, account creation date, and the date the coaching client was “approved” to be linked with your coaching group.
The most important page is the Coach User Page. Here you are able to see the content added to the V.I.B.E. system by each individual coaching client in your group. In this screenshot, the blue headlined words are clickable links. Upon clicking each of the links, everything your client chooses to share with you will be displayed.
Using the Coach User Page is a great way to check up on your coaching clients to make sure they’re completing their homework and hitting their benchmarks. It’s also incredibly useful when you’re on the phone together talking through specific action steps and working on weeding out limiting beliefs and other obstacles.
Partner with Us, Change the World, Make a Bunch of Money:
If you’re already a V.I.B.E. member, you know how powerful these tools are. And if you’re not a member, we urge you to give it a try so that you can recommend this system to your clients from an actual user’s point of view. We use our own system daily, and because we do, we can say with complete confidence that these tools are changing lives daily—and FAST!
Here are Just a Few Examples of How Members’ Lives Have Changed
Using the V.I.B.E. System
“Raised Vibration has given me the tools to create what I want to show up in my life. I added tasks like “new job search,” with future dates like “get a job offer,” “give my 2-week notice,” “start a new job that is the perfect fit.” All of these things showed up in my life. I started a new job that I love within a few days of the date I chose on my calendar. This is a powerful tool.”
“I’ve lost 16 pounds over the past 10 weeks since becoming a V.I.B.E. member and active user and have never seen that dramatic of a difference in my weight loss efforts before. I think the real key was using the Life Purpose tools to document my health as the most important priority in my life and giving myself just 3 months to do it. After all, I can only accomplish anything else in my life if I’m alive. Once I realized that, the rest was easy. My immediate goal was met ahead of time and now I’ve used the system to create new healthy goals and journal the results along the way. The more I use it, the more I want to use it! The only question I have is where were you 10 years ago?”
–Paul Martin
“Since joining Raised Vibration in November, I’ve not only completed my first book that was buried inside me for 10 years, but just launched my SECOND book! Both are selling on Amazon just like I planned in the Intentions and Declarations area. Only five months later and book #3 is already in the works! RV was the missing component I needed to see my ideas were possible and that I could complete them too.”
–Susan Lee
“I desperately needed a new car and put off buying one for a long time due to finances. While just playing around in the V.I.B.E. system as I was getting used to its features on day 1 of my membership, I gave the Want Form a try and used the Let the System Help feature to help me answer some questions about what I really wanted in a car. The very next day, I was driving out of the parking lot of a car dealership in a new car with the exact features I described . . . and I could even afford it!”
–Marty Dickinson, Denver, CO
“I was going back to my 21 Wishes Fulfilled list that I had come up with in February, and most of them were not very inspirational . . . but two of them had a date I assigned. The date was April 2, 2013. Both of them came true ON April 2, 2013!!”
“The Mobile App has great tools that allow me to create my visions and goals for 1, 3, 5, 10 years from now. I can rate my V.I.B.E. and check in frequently and keep track of my V.I.B.E. as my day goes on. I particularly enjoy the guided meditations. Having them at my fingertips allows me to meditate anytime and anywhere. And the ability to make a V.I.B.E. board and pictorially create what I am up to is fun and easy to do! Kudos to a GREAT APP!”
–Joel B.
“Already, the V.I.B.E. tools have made a huge difference in my life. This weekend, I knocked out every single thing on my action list–and I never do that. I mean, I’ve tried so many kinds of to-do lists and reminders, and this NEVER happens, but it did yesterday and today! I am totally on track making BIG and little changes in my life, and, well–the teacher comes when the student is ready, right? There is nothing really on the site that I didn’t already know, but you’ve done a brilliant job of putting it all in one place, as you well know. It’s easy, it’s accessible, it’s got flow, it’s got good energy. I LOVE IT.”
Why Is This Very Minute the BEST Time to Start Your Subscription to the V.I.B.E. System?
The V.I.B.E. System is very functional, but we’re still considering this a BETA version because we’re adding new tools, resources and improved functionality all the time. That means you and your clients can get in on the ground floor with a very special $39/month introductory rate. It’ll go up to $79/month after the official launch later this summer. Everyone who joins at this $39/month introductory rate will be grandfathered in—that’s your rate forevah!
How Can You Incorporate the V.I.B.E. System into Your Coaching Business?
Coaches using the V.I.B.E. System have been very creative in getting their coaching clients involved. Here are a few methods we’re seeing:
- Build the Cost into Your Proposal as a Value-Added Item – If you already charge your coaching clients, say, $500 per month, you can simply start an account on behalf of your client. In this case, you would pay the client’s V.I.B.E. subscription using your credit card. If (s)he stops paying your monthly rate, you would simply terminate the client account or ask us to suspend it for you until the payment is made.
- Increase Your Charges to Include Use of the V.I.B.E. System – You might decide to offer one level of coaching for, say, $300 per month, and then offer use of, and coaching through, the V.I.B.E. system at a higher level of, say, $450 per month.
- Standard Payment per Account – Of course, you may decide you’re better off by instructing your coaching clients to just pay for their subscription on their own. If you suggest this method, we strongly recommend you join our Affiliate program so that you can receive ongoing commission payments for your client’s subscriptions. Use that money for whatever you want—reinvest in your business, fuel a few dreams, pay off some bills of your own, give it to the charity of your choice, or even send it back to your coaching client. It’s completely up to you.
More About Our Affiliate Program
We’re not just hoping to inspire you to use our system. We want you to partner with us and share this system with your clients—and, for that matter, colleagues, friends and family. As one of our affiliates, you’ll earn 30% every month from every membership you bring in as a first-tier affiliate payment.
When your people start seeing results they’ve never thought possible due to your expert coaching and our suite of tools, they will inspire their friends, family, staff or colleagues to join too . . . and hire YOU as their coach! That means you’ll earn an affiliate payment of 10% every month on those 2nd tier referrals + your coaching fees.
Note: Let’s be crystal clear. This is not multi-level marketing, but a two-tier affiliate program modeled on those that have been around the Internet for years. Although we’re really happy to share the wealth while we join together to raise the world’s vibration, we don’t expect money to be the primary motivating factor for you.
The real win here is the powerhouse suite of tools you’ll be able to offer each and every one of your clients, either by simply referring them to us, or by making the V.I.B.E. system part of your coaching process and building the monthly fee into your own session rates. The affiliate payments? Very nice icing on an already very substantial and very delicious cake.
Be the Leader Your Clients Expect You to Be and Take the First Step by
Starting Your Own V.I.B.E. System Account Now!