The Island of Transformation is Calling You, Are You Ready?

Take a moment, focus your energy and move forward from your place of power.

Mark your calendar and join Dian Daniel and Robin Patino for an all inclusive retreat to Mallorca, Spain.
November 1st – 8th, 2014.
We are headed to a beautiful Island in the Mediterranean and we want you there with us.
This is a ONCE in a LIFETIME opportunity to experience one of the most sacred islands in the world. Known as The Island of Transformation.

Using the energy of the Winter Solstice, the full moon and numerous historical high-frequency energetic sites, we have put together a trip that will transcend you physically, mentally and spiritually.

Our intention is that this experience will bring you profound peace, clarity of who you truly are, and will set you up powerfully for the coming year and beyond.

Everything at its finest is within reach. From the mountains to the sea, you will feel the magic all around you.

The itinerary is filled with amazing events and opportunities to sooth you and elevate your vibration from the inside out.

Offerings included but not limited to:

Yin & Restorative Yoga
Meditation (walking, sitting & Yoga Nidra)
Sacred site tours
Relaxation & healing
Healthy, local organic cuisine
Sacred Geometry
Meet like minded people
Fun & adventure

And the most important offering of all, is the opportunity to charge up your internal resources. Now, more than ever, the WORLD needs you at your most powerful Self.

You won’t want to miss this, and we are excited to share this experience with YOU!

Dian & Robin


law of attraction

How To Manifest Your Biggest Desires

Perhaps you have developed some awareness of  The Law of Attraction and the art of manifesting. You are beginning to understand how the universe and your own vibration work, and you are putting the principles to work to the best of your best ability in your own life. Yet you are still not yet seeing the results you want. When this happens it can be hard to keep the faith in the law of attraction and it can feel very frustrating.

For most people it takes time and practice before they begin to experience manifesting in it’s full glory and realize what they are really capable of. Sadly not everyone makes it and many people give up before they reach that stage. I am here to tell you not to give up! Read on to find out why.

Personal Development is an on-going process. It isn’t that you reach a certain place and that is ‘it’, you’re done, no more growth needed. In fact if we are not growing and expanding we are dying (the same is true in nature, if something is not growing and increasing, it’s dying). However you can certainly create and achieve goals along the way, and these goals can serve as markers and signs of success.  Achieving them doesn’t necessarily make us any more happy than we already were day to day. So it is important to also focus on being in the moment, and improving daily, both within yourself, and also in terms of your environment and experiences.

With this in mind we would like to share this week’s ‘Success Story’.

Julie is one of the Vibe Team and she has a powerful story to share, described here in her own words.


“I am sitting here today in France (on an extended trip) with to door open, afternoon sunshine pouring in and the birds tweeting. Later I am working with one of my clients in my new business, which is also my dream career. My husband is out with the dog and he will be back later for a lazy afternoon in the sunshine. I feel blissfully contented. However my life certainly wasn’t always like this.

Prior to joining Raised Vibration (RV) last year I was stuck. And I mean seriously stuck. I had left my city job a few years before due to stress and headed back to the countryside to stay with my Mum. However that combined with a relationship breakup had left me with a serious dent in my confidence. I was working 3 jobs that didn’t pay well, struggling with debts and was exhausted most of the time. While there was nothing wrong with the jobs I was doing, I didn’t really get much fulfillment out of them and they certainly weren’t challenging or stimulating to me.

The one good thing was that I had met my (now) husband, however we were in a rut. Both of us wanted to travel and get out of the daily grind and yet with our financial situation we simply couldn’t see how that was possible. Shortly after joining RV we decided to get married, which we did at the end of last year. By then I had started using the tools in RV and learning about what was really possible when I changed my perception and started to ask a new question like ‘how IS it possible?’ I wrote out my 10, 5, 3 and 1 year visions in RV, and went all the way through the process to my inspired actions. Then I had something concrete to work with (daily actions I could take). I also created some Vibe boards.

Since doing that I have

A) fulfilled my dream to leave my job and come away traveling with my husband. We are currently touring France and Italy and house-sitting.

B) Created a business doing something I love – coaching women – and actually earning money at it (nearly enough to fully support us – watch this space).

C) Manifested the exact 4×4 we desired (I am not good with makes and models, I just asked the universe for a shiny black 4×4!).

D) Manifested the PERFECT house sitting opportunity for myself and my husband, including very specific requirements like a luxury fitted kitchen and bathroom in a beautiful country cottage in France (some pics attached). This came to us in such an unusual way that it cannot be ‘logically’ explained.

E) Completed my first E-book ‘Get the Relationship You Desire’ – it will be on sale very soon.

F) I am now working on growing the business, increasing my wealth and creating some audio training products, as well as working as a Coach for RV.

This all in the space of about 6 months.

I am totally blown away by what we were able to achieve once we got clear and made the decision that it would happen, even though at the time we didn’t know how.

I hope that maybe my story can inspire some people and perhaps it can inspire you if you are feeling stuck. I want you to know that it took me a couple of years to really absorb the principles of the law of attraction and to get how to manifest. It took me even longer to learn how to utilize that knowledge to get actual tangible results, and the work is on-going. However once I started using RV a lot of it fell into place, and the process was speeded up exponentially. This stuff really works if you stay open and use the tools as they are organized in a logical manner.

So I want to say to you, no matter where you are in your journey, don’t give up. Keep the faith. Even if it feels frustrating at times, remember, if I can do it you can too! Keep in mind that I also experienced it ‘not working’ before it did. And I also got frustrated and doubtful at times. But I never gave up.

In the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napolean Hill there is a quote which says “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins”. Decide which one you are.

Keep making improvements day by day and for goodness sake use all the tools and support available to you through RV. This has been the secret to my success. That and the people I surround myself with.

With Love

Julie. x”

We hope that  Julie’s story inspires you, and we know that you too can begin to manifest your biggest desires in your own life . It starts with a decision.

Sign up to the Raised Vibration platform here

Feel free to ask your questions and leave your comments in the box below.

Doubts About The Law Of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction (LOA) –

Despite the fact that it is based on a fairly simple concept, this universal law is the one that people seem to struggle with the most, out of all the spiritual laws.

I understand this, it took me a while to grasp it too!

Simply put the LOA states that what you think about and focus on grows, and you get more of it, whether it is good or bad. You literally attract in more of whatever it is you are thinking about, feeling and giving energy to. All these elements together (thoughts, feelings and focus) make up ‘your vibration’.

Some of the difficulty people have when they first learn about this law stems from questions like:

‘Well how about children who are ill, did they attract this in to themselves?’


‘What about world hunger, starvation and poverty’.

These questions can feel a little uncomfortable when applied to LOA. Esther (Abraham) Hicks explain it really well, basically indicating that the way we view things, from our limited human perspective where we always label things as good or bad, means that we view them differently from how the Source/God/The Universe experiences them, and that we cannot comprehend these issues fully with our human minds, perspectives and senses. In reality they are just experiences, neither good nor bad. It is we who give meaning to them, and that is as it should be on this physical, earthly plane.

There is the idea that each being here on earth chose exactly what they wanted to experience on this physical plane, because it was the perfect experience that would allow that celestial being to develop in the way it required and desired to develop. There is also the theory that parents can attract in for their children. ‘A Course In Miracles’ also helps us to understand these concepts better.

So should we simply not care about the people going hungry? Or the sick children? No, we must always care. However we can learn to judge the situation less and focus on the positive. Asking – what can be done to help? What is the SOLUTION? And what is the silver lining? This is how we help because it moves the focus forward into a more positive light whilst still acknowledging the problem.

This video from Oprah can really help you to understand LOA, if you are struggling with it or having doubts.

Enjoy – and remember – it is all a big game – the game of life!


Field of Dreams

Probably the most iconic line in Kevin Costner’s elegy to baseball, salvation and to magical manifestation is “Build it, and they will come.”

In fact, it’s become so iconic, it’s become ironic–an overused punchline that turns up mostly these days in stand-up routines and TV commercials.

But let’s try to see the belief anew, with fresh eyes and an open mind, as if we were seeing that movie and watching those ghostly baseball players emerge from the lush Iowa cornfields for the first time. Build it, and they will come. A gorgeous example of “acting as if”–behaving as if we already have what we want, and in doing so, raising our vibration until what we want is inevitably attracted to us.

The thing is, “act as if” runs both ways. Yes, grasshopper. You can use your powers for good–or evil.

Ever think or believe that if you wash your car, it will rain?  That if you take an umbrella, it won’t?  For years, one of us suffered from the absolute belief that if she washed and changed the sheets on the guestroom bed in expectation of company, that company wouldn’t materialize. You know what? That was the end result, more often than not.

So which came first?  The result or the belief?

This is where superstition comes from. If you see a black cat or walk under a ladder, you’ll have bad luck. The number 13 is evil, and the number 666 is satanic. Step on a crack and you’ll break your mother’s back.

True? Maybe. But only because of people who embrace these ideas believe they are.

If you believe in superstition, you believe you have the power to influence your reality with your thoughts and actions–yep, you’re a manifester in action!

So if your thoughts and actions are gonna turn up in your reality, why not choose the good ones instead?

Making money is easy.

Eating healthily comes naturally.

And, yes: build it, and they will come.



The Universe Is Not Your Fairy Godmother

Are you waiting for a hero, in a line from another “Shrek” song?  Or are you, perhaps, waiting for a fairy godmother/aka the Universe to “make” your dreams and wishes come true?

Sweetheart. It’s not going to work, except perhaps by pure dumb accident.

Manifesting is about way more than having dreams and making wishes–although setting intention is key. Affirmations, mantras, vision boards (we call ’em V.I.B.E. Boards here at Raised Vibration) are powerful tools to help you bring what you want into your life.

But if you want to win the lottery, eventually you’re gonna have to buy a ticket.

And if you want to make a wish come true, it’s going to take a little more effort than blowing out some birthday candles, wishing on a star, letting a teardrop call on a fairy godmother’s business card, or chanting affirmations.

Let’s say the Universe isn’t like a Fairy Godmother (who really, after all, only grants wishes to whoever she pleases, and punishes those she dislikes–she’s more like the Puritans’ idea of a “vengeful and wrathful God”), but more like your car’s GPS.  The Universe–and your GPS–can get you pretty much wherever you want to go, but programming your destination in is only part of the magic.

First you have to get into your car, demonstrating your readiness and willingness to begin your journey.

Then you program your GPS, setting your intention for what you want.

And then?  Well, then, dear one, as long as you just sit in your car in your garage or your driveway, nothing much will happen.  The GPS/Universe can’t bring you what you want until you actually start driving, putting yourself on the path to finding your heart’s desire (or the nearest Starbucks, which may, in some cases, amount to the same thing).

So today? Go ahead and make those wishes and dream those dreams. They are the critical starting place.  But then, for goodness sake, start the car. Buy the ticket. Take a step in the direction of those dreams.

Now that’s what we call making magic.

How to Get Lucky

Now just stop that. This is a PG-rated blog.

Are some people just born lucky? Don’t you believe it. While someone may be born into favorable circumstance, the real truth is that wealth, brilliance, good looks and fame have never been indicators in and of themselves of true happiness. Just read the nearest celebrity tabloid if you need proof.

We believe people make their own luck. How? By visualizing the life of their dreams. By setting the intention to create it. By taking inspired actions in the direction of those dreams. And by believing, without question, that what they want is on its way to them.

An example:  Bob Bobman (cleverly made-up name) is an accountant with a mid-sized firm downtown. He dreams, however, of opening a “pay-what-you-can” restaurant in his community. Bob doesn’t know how to cook. Bob doesn’t know how to run a restaurant. Bob doesn’t actually know any homeless or disadvantaged people personally.

But Bob dreams his dream all the same. He imagines what his restaurant will look like, and what kind of food it will serve. He imagines what it feels like to be manning the counter, clearing tables, seeing the smiles of his customers, smelling the nourishing aromas in the air. He starts collecting pictures of interiors and other images that appeal to him: a plate of food here, a grouping of tables there. He writes about it in his journal, he makes a vision board, and he sets a date by which he wants his dream to come true.

Does Bob sit back at that point and wait for his luck to roll in?  No, Bob does not. Because Bob knows that while you can get in your car and program your GPS to take you anywhere you want to go, you’re not going anyplace until you put the car in gear and start driving.

So Bob starts telling people about his dream. He talks about it at work. He talks about it at social and business gatherings. He tells people in the restaurant community. He does some research about other similar operations in other towns.

Bob takes some cooking classes.  One of his fellow students turns out to have some experience in launching non-profits. He scans the real estate listings for commercial spaces with kitchens.

Little synchronicities start to happen.  A friend of a friend knows someone who works at a place JUST LIKE THAT two states over. An article about crowd-sourcing shows up on Bob’s laptop. An interesting space that was off the market for a while suddenly is up for rent.

And so it goes. Drip by drip and drop by drop, Bob’s dream starts to take shape, with the Universe tossing in a handful of sparkly magic here and there. It never crosses Bob’s mind that this isn’t going to happen.  Which is exactly how Bob “gets lucky” and his dream comes true.

So, how do you get lucky? Simple. Feel lucky. Act lucky. Expect lucky. Get focused on drawing the specific flavor of luck you want into your life, but don’t get hung up on exactly how it has to come about. Be open to what the Universe brings you in response to what you’re sending out.

Before you know it, you’re a walking, talking four-leaf clover, and luck isn’t some random something that the Universe bestows on the deserving or the charmed or the beautiful, it’s nothing less than your destiny.

Wanna get lucky?  It’s out there waiting for you. All you have to do is go get it.





Do You Believe in Spooks?

The Cowardly Lion sure did. And look where it got him.

But jump ahead to the ending of The Wizard of Oz:  the Tin Man feels the power to love when he is given a mere trinket in which he has faith. The Scarecrow can suddenly parse geometry once he has a piece of paper labeled a “diploma.” The Cowardly Lion finds bravery inside a simple medal hung on a ribbon. And Dorothy learns that she has had the power to return “home”–to herself–inside all along.

We are what we believe we are. And so is the world as we perceive it.

Tell someone that “thoughts became things” (a phrase popularized by author Mike Dooley), and it may sound nonsensical to them. “If my thoughts become things,” they might say, “then how come I’m not rich? Because I’m thinking about a giant pile of gold bullion right now!”

It isn’t that simple. Mostly because of the collective belief of billions of humans that this kind of instant manifestation is impossible.

But even the most skeptical of people will admit to things like knowing who is calling without benefit of caller I.D., or wishing for a parking space and having one suddenly open up, or being able to scrape together just enough money when we really, really need it.

Our beliefs are the engine that drives our outcome. As Henry Ford, about as non-woo-woo a man as it’s possible to imagine, once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

So what do you find yourself thinking these days?

Imagine two people somehow having the exact same day: they go to their longtime place of employment, choose to work through lunch, and, at 1 p.m., are led into their supervisor’s office and told that they are being laid off.

Person One:  “This is the worst day of my life! After all the years I spent there, after all I did for them–the ingratitude just enrages me!  I even worked through lunch for those a-holes! What a disaster!”

Person Two: “Wow, I didn’t expect that. I mean, I was even working through lunch to get caught up. I guess things are tougher for the company than I thought. Well, I’ll have some unemployment coming while I figure out what I want to do next. Maybe this is the start of something even better for me.”

Okay, so the above is a pretty huge over-simplification, but only to prove a point: it doesn’t matter what happens to you. The story you tell and believe about what happens to you is what’s key.

So if you believe in spooks, or evil, or bad luck, or a cruel, indifferent world, that’s probably the exact experience you’re having.

On the other hand, if you believe in love, in learning, in bravery and in finding your way “home” to the best expression of yourself, that’s the experience you’ll have instead.

Flying freakin’ terrifying monkeys vs. control over your destiny. Hmmmmm.

Which Yellow Brick Road will you choose?


Watch Your Language

A lot of us have a language problem. And we’re not talking about the potty-mouth stuff.

Yellow loveWe have our affirmations. We make our V.I.B.E. (vision) boards. We write in our journals, we make our big dreams and plans, and oh, we dream BIG and we dream beautifully and we think positively and we make sure to state whatever it is that we want as if it is already here:  I am a creator of abundance. I am healthy and fit. Money flows easily to me. I am in harmony in all my supportive and loving relationships.

And then, dang it, we leave the house.

And we say to our children, “No, I’m not buying you that 1000-piece Star Wars Lego set, we don’t have the money for that!”

And we say to our friends, “Do I look fat in these capri pants? I swear, my butt is as wide as a barn door.”

And we say to our partners, “What, you’re working late again??? It’s like we’re just ROOMMATES!”


Funny how we forget that the Universe–and we–are listening no matter where we are, isn’t it? It’s like those people–you know who you are–who think we can’t see you picking your nose while you idle at a stoplight in your car.

We can see you. The Universe can hear you. Your own subconscious has a glass held up to the wall, and it’s listening to every word you say.

Just like we tell our kids: use your words. But hey, a footnote to that? Use ’em carefully.


Affirmations to Help Manifest What You Want

The short video, below, provides some affirmations that can be used every day to help change your life and start manifesting the circumstances you want. Affirmations that are repeated regularly can become beliefs– and once they become beliefs your circumstances will fall into place around them.  And that, friends, is where the magic happens.

If you feel resistance when you say “‘I am . . . ”  in your affirmations, you can replace the word ‘am’ with the word ‘intend’. So your affirmation would become “I intend to be. . . .”  This usually brings up less push-back.  Also important: if any of these affirmations don’t resonate with you, disregard them or adapt them to suit yourself and the unique set of circumstances you are trying to create.

Try using these affirmations daily for 30 days and see what changes happen in your life!


What in the World Are You Thinking???

What we focus on expands. Or, as neuroscientists prefer to say, “what’s fired gets wired.”

But are you really aware of just what’s going down in  your mind?

(image courtesy of Dominique -

(image courtesy of Dominique –

Most of us are aware of our significant thoughts–but even here, we may not understand that we choose them.  Big thoughts like “nothing works out for me,” or “men are creeps” or “money is the root of all evil” go therefore unchallenged, and so they have the power to inform and influence every action we take.


Do you want those kinds of thoughts driving you and creating your world?

And that’s just the big stuff.  What about the little nattering soundtrack most of us play all day in the background, the one that narrates our day? “You should have turned left at that light now you’re going to be late oh you forgot to stop at the bank you’re going to have to borrow money for lunch again no wonder no one from the office wants to go out with you maybe not even your boss oh what if I lose my job but I hate my job but I need the money what’s for dinner?”

Buried in that stream-of-consciousness babble are some really painful and limiting beliefs.  And there they are, thrashing around your brain virtually unchecked and perhaps even unnoticed.

Those thoughts impact your actions and create your reality to you.

Every thought, big or small, conscious or unconscious, is a choice.

Choose wisely.

Need help corralling your thoughts? Consider raising your vibration–and therefore the quality of your thoughts along with it–by joining us at