Pay it Forward Program
We see it often during the holiday season. You are in line to get a coffee at Starbucks and as you get to the window, you find out that the person in front of you paid for your coffee. You in turn pay for the person behind you. We call that “paying it forward.”
We know the experience we have when we find out someone did that for us and we know the experience we have when we can do the same for someone else. The only question we have is why it takes the holiday season for us to “pay it forward.” What would it look like if that is how our society operated all the time? Here at Raised Vibration, we do not believe we need a holiday to “pay it forward.”
We are committed to others having the experience of receiving even when it is not a holiday. For every member that we have and with each month’s renewal of their membership, we put a few $’s away and we then periodically through the year take the accumulated “pay it forward” funds and give it to a deserving cause or project. And, knowing the experience we all get from giving, we allow our members to participate by allocating a portion of their referral bonus towards the “pay it forward” fund.
Want to “pay it forward?”
Click below and choose your gift: