V.I.B.E System Online
My name is Dian Daniel, Founder & CEO of Raised Vibration.
If You Could Have Anything You Want—and Even Choose the DAY You Would Have It—How Would that Change Your Life?
You Would Live Your Life with Purpose, Vision and . . . a Raised Vibration!
This is a photo taken after one of our workshops (we like to call them Playshops because we have so much fun!), where I’m surrounded by this amazing collection of EXTRAORDINARY human beings. For several hours, we worked together on unveiling their life purposes, wishes, dreams and plans and then identifying the actions that would put them on the path to achieve them.
For several years, I’ve been working with individuals and groups to unveil their true life purpose and life goals for life-changing results—and I’ve discovered something amazing along the way:
Simply learning what you want and trying to live a fulfilled life is not enough.
Let’s do the math. There are:
- 39,500,000 sources online to help you understand the “Law of Attraction.“
- 9,890,000 results appear on Google for the search phrase “motivational speaker.“
- 197,747 books exist for sale in just the one category alone of “self-help.“
It’s mind boggling to consider how many blog posts, seminars, books and cd’s there are to help us live better lives. And still, somehow, the majority of the human race lives paycheck-to-paycheck (if they get a paycheck at all), just waiting for the next disaster to occur. Only a few are able to sift through the fog and live life to its fullest potential and fulfill their true life visions and dreams.
What’s been missing all this time?
How many self-help books have you read through the years to help you lose weight, make more money or build longer-lasting and fulfilling relationships? How many seminars have you attended?
How many of those techniques you learned actually became a scheduled part of your life to achieve your goals? If you’re like most, the answer is: not many.
And it’s no wonder. We haven’t been given many actual tools, have we? Sure, there are clunky workbooks to fill out by hand, uninspiring Excel spreadsheets and clutter-bound sticky notes.
In this day and age of high technology, that’s like trying to convince a cheetah to run quarter-speed during his hunt!
Introducing the NEW way to approach true life change:
The V.I.B.E. System by Raised Vibration is the ONLY web-based life management suite of tools that guides you through the life achievement process and tracks your progress as you go.
Social media sites brought people together. Web-based project management systems exist to assign tasks and track progress. Only Raised Vibration combines the advancements of web technology, community building and proven life-success principles!
Did You Know These Startling Facts?
- 75% of women suffer daily from stress due to money issues.
- More than half of married couples will get a divorce.
- 368,000 people in the U.S unemployed population have given up looking for a job.
- 49.7 million people in the U.S. live in poverty.
- 3 of 4 over the age of 20 are at least 20 pounds overweight and at health risk.
What do all of these facts have in common?
The V.I.B.E. System has helped members to beat the odds in ALL of these areas (and many more)!
Raised Vibration is built on the idea that bringing communities of people together to celebrate and appreciate life can actually raise the energy, awareness and consciousness of mankind itself—that the actual vibration of being human is raised when joy and bliss are SHARED. We are here to literally RAISE our VIBRATION!
Considering the number of tools to which you’re about to have access, the incredible results others have had, and the SPEED and PREDICTABILITY with which they’re achieving them, you might think you’d have to spend a small fortune to get inside. But guess what? You’re about to be pleasantly surprised!
Join the revolution to RAISE your VIBRATION today and get immediate access to:

Sure, you can find some of these tools scattered all over the Internet. Some of them are free; some of them cost quite a bit of money. In fact, it’s not stretching it to say that if you signed up individually at different websites for all this stuff and hired a personal coach to support you along the way, you’d likely pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars.
Don’t Worry, We’re Not Going to Charge You Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars!
But it’s worth mentioning that we are talking about a powerhouse suite of tools and personalized support that will transform you and help you accomplish everything you want in life. How much is that worth to you?
If we had it totally our way, we’d get these tools to everyone in the world, because our mission is truly to raise the vibration of the planet, one person at a time.
Our business model is not like any other in existence to date. We won’t be clogging your screen with pay-per-click ads and pop-ups, collecting data on you and selling it, or urging you continually to “promote” yourself by shelling out more bucks.
Instead, the V.I.B.E. System is web-based software like Quickbooks or Weight Watchers’ PointsPlus system. Like those companies, we have servers to pay for and staff to make sure the system runs securely and reliably 24/7. Not to mention that we’ve got big plans for what comes next for us–and therefore for you!
So, without the usual marketing song-and-dance, let us simply tell you that our standard price will be $79/month for immediate access to all of the tools listed above. We want to reach as many people as possible as quickly as we can, so we’d like to offer you something to help you, and to help us grow the V.I.B.E. System fast:
Special Pricing for the Next 100 Members Only
For the next 100 new members ONLY, we are offering enrollment for the lowest price you will EVER see on RaisedVibration.com. Just $39/month! And that number is good for as long as you continue your membership.
We’ll also give you 6 bonuses to get you started:
- The V.I.B.E. System Defined – Until now, this information was only presented during in-person workshops. Everything you need to know about the V.I.B.E. (Visualize, Intend, Believe, Experience) process is contained in this unique ebook. Value = $39
- 10 Secrets to Creating & Living the Life of Your Dreams – This has been written exclusively for Raised Vibration members and is not available on Amazon or in bookstores. Value = $25
- Raise Your Vibration and Change Your Reality Report, by Kevin Scheoninger – Extracted from “Raise Your Vibration: A Guide To Core Energy Meditation” and made available to you to share as you choose. Value = $97
- 3 Untold Manifesting Secrets For Living The Life You Are Meant To Live! – Another amazing gift from Kevin Scheoninger designed to set you on course to living the life you were meant to live! Value = $97
- The Self Empowerment Guidebook, by Chris Cade – This is a One-of-a-kind guidebook packed full of information you simply can’t live without when it comes to taking your life into your own hands. Value = Priceless
- Be a Guest Blogger – Share your expertise with other members and the general public by adding content of value to the Raised Vibration Blog. Guest blogging is a great way to get exposure for your business, website or cause. Value = $100
This combined bonus package alone is worth hundreds of dollars. That’s like giving you the first year of membership for free!
Because we know this is new technology that no one else has ever offered before, and it’s capable of completely changing the method with which we as a society discover, plan, and fulfill our life goals and dreams, we realize, too, that it’s not for everyone. Some people unknowingly sabotage their own success no matter what tools they try to use. Some people just aren’t ready to change their lives. Some people are afraid to take a chance.
We understand. So we want to remove any degree of risk for you.
Still Not Sure If the V.I.B.E. System Is Right for You?
The V.I.B.E. System is designed to be used by a wide variety of people. And so we considered the needs of and sought the input from people ranging from business professionals to stay-at-home moms. There are only three groups of people we’ve found so far that probably won’t get much traction with the V.I.B.E. System. These few groups include:
- People who see the world through a deeply negative filter.
- People who believe that other people, places and things are the reasons why they don’t have what they want in their lives.
- People who feel life is hopeless and that nothing and no one can change that.
For most of us, the ones who are ready to release negativity and accept responsibility for owning their lives and their actions:
The V.I.B.E. System is for YOU!
Here is just a short list of the many groups of people we had in mind when creating the V.I.B.E. System:
We Hope You Are as Excited as We Are about YOUR Future!
Your time is NOW. We’ve done our best to outline the awesome benefits in using the V.I.B.E. System to get anything and everything you want in your life—even by the very date you want to have it! All you have to do is give it a try for a solid 30 days. If the system doesn’t meet and exceed your expectations, simply request a refund and keep all the bonuses.
We really hope, though, that you look at this suite of tools as more than a 30-day quick fix. This is your LIFE, and it’s time to have it all. Become a member and plan to be an active, daily user. The V.I.B.E. system is meant to grow with you over time.
Join now, and get started immediately! Get ready to V.I.B.E. High!