Help, It’s a Snake! No, Wait, It’s a Stick.

Fear, believe it or not, can be a trusted adviser. When you’re about to be bitten by a rattlesnake, for example, that jolt of adrenaline and reflexive back-pedal can be a very good thing.

snake stickThe thing to remember is that fear is an instinctive, primal response. There’s not a lot of intellectualizing going on. In fact, the kind of fear that invokes a fight-or-flight response happens faster than we can form actual thought. Which is why fear absolutely deserves a seat on the bus–without fear, we’d probably all be dead.

At the same time, fear can also become a crippling limitation. If I step off a curb and hear a bus horn blaring, leaping back onto that curb was a smart move. But if I conclude from this incident that crossing streets is inherently unsafe and I will never, ever do it again, I have tipped over from fear into phobia. And I have limited myself unnecessarily, and pretty ridiculously.

Fear knows some stuff. When the hair rises on your arms, when a shiver goes down your spine, when your Spidey senses are on alert, it’s worth taking a listen and see what fear has to say.

But fear is just one of the advisers in your head, and fear, because it is so primitive and reflexive, can be absolutely off-base. It might help to think of fear as a small child. A child is capable of warning you when something threatening is about to happen. A child looks out for your well-being, because your well-being is intimately tied to hers. A child is worth listening to.

Except that fears, like children, can sometimes be over-the-top, silly, or just plain wrong. They don’t have all the information the rest of you does, so they process just one piece of the puzzle. Is that long thing on the path ahead of you a rattlesnake, or is it a stick? Only you–ALL of you–know for sure.

So keep fear in your corner. Notice it when it presses the alarm button. And then evaluate whether there’s really something to be afraid of, and, if so, what you’re going to do about it.

Fear makes a great passenger. But don’t let it drive your bus.

Raising your vibration is a great way to calm unreasonable or persistent fears. See how at

Would You Like to Know Who You Really Are and What You Are Capable Of?

Take the next 18 minutes of your precious time and listen to Jill Bolte Taylor’s story. We promise it will blow your mind.



Thank you Jill for your profound insight! Your story is one of the most profound and articulate descriptives of not only how the brain functions, but its power and what we are capable of when using it and ourselves consciously. Beautiful!

What in the World Are You Thinking???

What we focus on expands. Or, as neuroscientists prefer to say, “what’s fired gets wired.”

But are you really aware of just what’s going down in  your mind?

(image courtesy of Dominique -

(image courtesy of Dominique –

Most of us are aware of our significant thoughts–but even here, we may not understand that we choose them.  Big thoughts like “nothing works out for me,” or “men are creeps” or “money is the root of all evil” go therefore unchallenged, and so they have the power to inform and influence every action we take.


Do you want those kinds of thoughts driving you and creating your world?

And that’s just the big stuff.  What about the little nattering soundtrack most of us play all day in the background, the one that narrates our day? “You should have turned left at that light now you’re going to be late oh you forgot to stop at the bank you’re going to have to borrow money for lunch again no wonder no one from the office wants to go out with you maybe not even your boss oh what if I lose my job but I hate my job but I need the money what’s for dinner?”

Buried in that stream-of-consciousness babble are some really painful and limiting beliefs.  And there they are, thrashing around your brain virtually unchecked and perhaps even unnoticed.

Those thoughts impact your actions and create your reality to you.

Every thought, big or small, conscious or unconscious, is a choice.

Choose wisely.

Need help corralling your thoughts? Consider raising your vibration–and therefore the quality of your thoughts along with it–by joining us at


10 Shortcuts To Realizing Your Dream In Record Time

Living your dream can mean different things to different people. What might be a dream life to some people could be a nightmare to others. And this works perfectly. After all it wouldn’t work so well if we ALL wanted to be the President! So don’t be afraid to have a dream that is totally unique and individual to you! So many people feel stuck and unable to live their dream life, instead feeling trapped in the daily grind. Many people who talk of feeling trapped mention ‘the rat race’ and this brings to mind stressful city jobs and a fast paced life, however people can feel stuck in any situation, if it is not in alignment to who you really are.

Discontentment is something that can affect us all, even those who ARE on their path, and doesn’t always mean a life change is in order. Sometimes it may just mean that you need to examine your attitude and point of view about life and what is happening in the moment. Check to see whether you are living in gratitude, and touch in with yourself about where your needs are, and whether you are successfully fulfilling them. Sometimes we are not challenging ourselves enough. Perhaps we have a genuine need for excitement, or romance. These can be taken care of.

However if you are really unhappy in your life, or you KNOW that you are not living your dream, or even if you have an inkling that you could be doing something that would suit you better and you feel that you want and need to BE more, then this article is for you.


Here are 10 steps to help you easily create the life of your dreams.


1. Know Your Dream

This may sound obvious, however many people don’t have a clear picture of their dream. Often people have a vague idea of what they would like to do in their life, however they don’t really ‘KNOW’ their dream. It’s more of a hazy daydream, rather than a clear picture that with intention, motivation and practical/Inspired action, can be created and brought into existence.


2. Define it and make the picture really clear in your mind

In order for you to start using visualization to bring your dream into reality you need a crystal clear picture of it in your mind. Think HD clear! Don’t be afraid to dream BIG. Evidence shows that imagining your dream, down to the smallest details, can help you gravitate towards it. Remember the Law of Attraction states that what we focus on grows. Make your vision of your dream life so clear you can almost smell it! Creating a VIBE Board is extremely useful and we highly recommend doing that.


3. Use the power of INTENTION to help create what you want

Once you have your picture clear in your mind you can use visualization techniques each day to help create it in your life. This simply involves concentrating on this dream each day for a period of time, letting yourself live it in your mind as you would like it to be. Feeling how it would feel. The power of our minds is awesome and when we focus with intent a lot can be achieved. Visualization is a technique used by successful people all over the world, for example Success Coach Tony Robbins, and athlete Lindford Christy. Some people do this as part of their meditation, however if meditation isn’t your thing you can just dedicate a segment of time each day to this technique. Right before you go to sleep is a good time, or when you have just woken up. It doesn’t have to be a long time either. 5 minutes each day is fine if you are pressed for time.


4. Prioritize

Once you have started using your mind to get your universe into alignment and help create the life your dreams, then you also need to take some practical steps to make it happen. When you know what your dream life is it will be easier for you to prioritize and begin the process of making sure that everything you do on a daily basis is in alignment with what you are trying to achieve. Some people would call this being on your path and taking INSPIRED actions.


5. Get rid of anything that is not in alignment to this dream

This includes the things you are doing on a daily basis, daily actions and behaviors. If they do not serve you, and especially serve you in getting you to where you want to be in your life, seriously consider changing them. Time is precious so use it wisely. Of course keep some fun and relaxation time in the mix for balance, and family and true friends are also important. However if you are spending lots of time and money in the pub for example, and this is not helping you in any way towards your dream, this is the type of behavior you may want to look at. Get rid of excess stuff too (sell or gift everything you don’t REALLY need). Stuff weighs us down and holds us back. You will be surprised how little you really need when you are happy, and also how little you will miss those material things that we sometimes attach ourselves to!


6. Accept support to realize your dream

Sometimes we miss support when it is offered, or we are too proud to accept. People can help and support you to achieve your dream and often they are even happy to do so. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. As long as you don’t go in with expectations or an attitude that you are ‘owed’ something, often when we get clear on what we want things will fall into place to support us. This doesn’t always happen, however when someone does offer to support us we can comfortably take them up on it. This is the POWER of community!


7. Be willing to make some sacrifices

Often once we have worked out what it is we want from life we have to sacrifice some of the other things (see getting rid of stuff section above). There may be things you have to sacrifice in the short term in order to get where you want to be in the long term. As long as you are still enjoying your day to day life, this will be worth it in the long run. Keep your dream clearly in your mind to help you stay motivated when you make sacrifices.


8. Take on extra work (play) for a short time

If you need extra money to help you realize your dream (for example if you wanted to pay off debt or take a special vacation), then you might want to consider taking on some extra work (play) for a short period of time. We like to call work (play) because if you are providing a service in exchange for some monetary compensation, it should be FUN! Obviously it is important to look after your health and not burn out, however sometimes to achieve what we want in life taking on MORE and being sure you bring fun and play to doing those new activities, all types of new things can show up to support you along the way. Work out the details of what is practical and INSPIRING for you. It helps to have a goal and a timescale to work to that fits with you as an individual.


9. Be patient

Often, once we know what we want, it is hard to then be patient whilst circumstances align to make this possible. Speaking personally I can say that this is always the hardest part of the process for me. In this modern time of instant gratification it can be very hard to feel satisfied when you can’t see much happening. This is the law of reap and sow. I think that people better understood this universal principle when more of us were farmers, and we lived closer to nature. Then we would understand that when we plant seeds we won’t see a plant the very next day. Maybe a month of two down the line, or perhaps even next year! If you can apply this law to your life as you start to make changes to realize your dream, it will help keep you motivated when it looks like not much is happening.


Another helpful analogy can be to think of it like a big pot of water on the stove. When you first put it on to boil there is a lot of energy going in (the flame under the pot) and for a good while NOTHING appears to be happening to the water. However it is. The water is gradually heating up, and when it gets to a certain point, suddenly there will be bubbles and it will boil! If you continued heating it, eventually it would become steam. So with all that energy going in it still takes a while to show any results, however there ARE changes happening, under the surface. Apply this principle to your life to help you stay calm in times when nothing appears to be shifting (often at the beginning of a cycle of change, and often at times during that cycle too). And if you truly believe your dream is possible, you will be rewarded all along the way with little signs and what we like to call magic and miracles that remind you to stay focused, and continue PLAYING your BIG GAMES in life as they will manifest, just like the boiling water, right before your eyes.


10. Open your mind

So now that you are clear about your dream and on your path, it’s time to open your mind to the possibilities! We can miss so much by being closed. Stay open to receive all that this abundant universe has to offer.

What does living your dream look like to you? Share your dream with us below.