
5 Simple Steps to Having Everything You Want

As you’ve probably noticed by now, Raised Vibrations (RV) isn’t about traveling cross-country in an Airstream—unless, of course, that’s one of your life’s dreams!  We’re about creating magic and miracles in every aspect of your life. That means not just the easy parts—just about anyone can, with sufficient time and effort, declutter their living room—but in ALL areas, even the places where you feel like you’ve been stumped and stuck.

MP900414028Whether you’re an Obama or Bob the Builder fan—or neither—the answer to “Can you do it?” is always “YES YOU CAN!”  Yes, you can finally get everything you want out of your life—with a few caveats.

Let’s get those out of the way up front:  we don’t have control over the life destiny of others, so your manifestations won’t work if they involve specific action on the part of specific people (sorry, there goes everyones’ plan to manifest a hot date with Colin Farrell or Beyonce, right?). And manifestation is not about simply chanting mantras. You can tell yourself you have a million dollars until the cows come home–and what time DO the cows come home, anyway?–but it ain’t gonna happen until you pair your intentions with actually putting yourself out there.

So what DOES work?  The whole V.I.B.E. system is built on this: visualize, intend, believe, and experience. Here’s what that looks like in action:

1.  Visualize the thing or outcome you want.  (Here at RV, we often do that through collaging, but you can do this any way that works for you:  meditation, journaling, telling everyone you know, sticky notes, drawing pictures.)  It’s key to visualize yourself already having what you want in your life. For example, if you want more money, an ineffective and ultimately pointless thought around that is something like, “I’m going to be rich.” This places the outcome you want squarely in the future—where it will, sadly, stay.

2.  Set your intentions. You don’t have to know the mechanics of how it will all work out (author and manifestor extraordinaire Mike Dooley calls this worrying about “the cursed hows”), but you do need to totally and completely hold the firm intention to receive and experience what you want. That means no second-guessing, no waffling, no worrying, no icky sticky feelings of “undeservingness” creeping about. You want this; you’ve got this.

3.  Believe you already have it: fully immerse yourself in the emotions of how right it feels when your dreams are your reality. This might look like bathing in the satisfaction, joy, exhilaration, and gratitude of how having what you want feels in your heart, in your body, in your energetic field. Raising your own vibration so that it vibrates with that which you are attracting is where the magic is, baby.

Some people recommend “acting as if,” and that’s fine, as long as that doesn’t mean going into major debt spending money you don’t in fact have, or running down the highway pretending you’re driving that Alfa Romeo you don’t actually own.  A great example is a woman we know who wanted to attract a solid, romantic relationship in her life.  So she cleared out half the closet, emptied one of the bedside tables, made space in her dressers and in the medicine chest, and slept on one side of the bed. She created the intention—and therefore the space—for what she wanted. Do we even have to tell you that it worked?

4.  Bring what you want into your experience by paying attention to the inspired actions that come up for you.  By inspired, we mean that the action feels like a natural outgrowth of having what you want; it feels good and right to do. Action alone—busy work, task lists, going through the motions—isn’t going to get the job done. It is only in taking those actions inspired by your visions, beliefs and intentions that you will truly have exactly what you want in your life.

5.  Finally, be open to how the universe brings you what you want, and be willing to receive it. For many of us, this is harder than it sounds. You might have visualized and set the intention for a new job, but instead you find yourself laid off from your current one and enrolled in grad school.  What the what?!  You may visualize the love of your life, but the guy who shows up, while thoroughly wonderful, is four inches shorter than you thought he’d be. Sometimes the road doesn’t look like we think it’s “supposed” to, and sometimes we get so lost in our “shoulds” that we don’t recognize the universe presenting us with what we asked for on a silver platter.

Those riches we wanted may come in the form of more responsibilities at work, or an insurance check from an accident, or any number of ways other than you might have imagined.

That guy who shows up because your mail accidentally just got delivered to his house might not look like Colin Farrell even one bit—but he may be perfect for you.  That woman at the bank who just goofed up your wire transfer and is currently annoying the heck out of you may turn out to be the love of your life.

Bottom line?  Life—your life, our lives—is simply a game. And you are the only one who gets to make up the rules and decide what “winning” looks like. So shuffle your cards, roll the dice, flick that little spinner with your forefinger and thumb—and get ready for the life of your dreams.

Check out our V.I.B.E. System of online tools that are designed to support you in getting every single thing you want out of (and into) your life.  Beta version special offer:  the next 100 members get grandfathered in at our low introductory monthly rate!