
Watch Your Language

A lot of us have a language problem. And we’re not talking about the potty-mouth stuff.

Yellow loveWe have our affirmations. We make our V.I.B.E. (vision) boards. We write in our journals, we make our big dreams and plans, and oh, we dream BIG and we dream beautifully and we think positively and we make sure to state whatever it is that we want as if it is already here:  I am a creator of abundance. I am healthy and fit. Money flows easily to me. I am in harmony in all my supportive and loving relationships.

And then, dang it, we leave the house.

And we say to our children, “No, I’m not buying you that 1000-piece Star Wars Lego set, we don’t have the money for that!”

And we say to our friends, “Do I look fat in these capri pants? I swear, my butt is as wide as a barn door.”

And we say to our partners, “What, you’re working late again??? It’s like we’re just ROOMMATES!”


Funny how we forget that the Universe–and we–are listening no matter where we are, isn’t it? It’s like those people–you know who you are–who think we can’t see you picking your nose while you idle at a stoplight in your car.

We can see you. The Universe can hear you. Your own subconscious has a glass held up to the wall, and it’s listening to every word you say.

Just like we tell our kids: use your words. But hey, a footnote to that? Use ’em carefully.


Affirmations to Help Manifest What You Want

The short video, below, provides some affirmations that can be used every day to help change your life and start manifesting the circumstances you want. Affirmations that are repeated regularly can become beliefs– and once they become beliefs your circumstances will fall into place around them.  And that, friends, is where the magic happens.

If you feel resistance when you say “‘I am . . . ”  in your affirmations, you can replace the word ‘am’ with the word ‘intend’. So your affirmation would become “I intend to be. . . .”  This usually brings up less push-back.  Also important: if any of these affirmations don’t resonate with you, disregard them or adapt them to suit yourself and the unique set of circumstances you are trying to create.

Try using these affirmations daily for 30 days and see what changes happen in your life!