What is a V.I.B.E. Party? Packed with fun, play and creative activities, monthly parties are designed to leave you inspired, aware and V.I.B.E.-ing HIGH. Perfect for people who love to experience JOY!
At Raised Vibration, V.I.B.E. stands for Visualize, Intend, Believe and Experience. V.I.B.E. Parties bring people together to celebrate and appreciate life. As you can imagine, this isn’t your typical stand-around cocktail party.
Each V.I.B.E. Party includes beverages, munchies, thought-provoking questions and different exercises and party games designed to help you continue your exploration of just how easy it is to instantly raise your V.I.B.E.!
So why raise your V.I.B.E.? Because everything is vibrational energy, and the higher you V.I.B.E., the more exciting and enjoyable your life will be.
Best of all, you’ll spend a few hours mixing, mingling and meeting new, amazing people who are up to extraordinary things, playing the Raised Vibration game!
Interested in learning how to host your own V.I.B.E. Parties in your neck of the woods?
Click here to receive our V.I.B.E. Party Hosting Kit!