Guided Meditation

Helping you find your center through guided meditations.

The benefits of meditation are well-documented (reduced stress levels, improved immune system function, increased energy and focus), but some of us find it difficult or seemingly impossible to do–there’s so much inner noise it’s hard to be still and let go. Meditation is a vital part of the V.I.B.E. System and of elevating and maintaining a RAISED VIBRATION.

We’ve made it easier for all skill levels by researching what works and developing a special line of guided meditations specifically to support you along your journey.

Get access to an assortment of guided meditations when you subscribe to the V.I.B.E System.

Listen right from your personal V.I.B.E. System dashboard, and you can also listen on-the-go with the Raised Vibration Mobile Application.

There’s no better way to align with your highest self and elevate your vibration than our guided meditations.

Check out our Mediation Store where you can find a special assortment of guided meditations available to you 24/7.

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